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Was G.S. Altshuller opposed to the translation of his books into foreign languages?


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2003-10-07 17:53:09
Neringa Varankaite » Всем
Dear Sirs,
I have heard that G.S. Altshuller was opposed to the translation of his books into foreign languages. Is this true?
2003-10-07 17:56:08
Dear Neringa,
I have heard this legend several times, but never from G.S. Altshuller. It is possible that someone is purposefully spreading such “information.”
In reality, beginning in 1961 many of his articles and books were translated into foreign languages. For example:
  • Levers of Narrative ideas. Colors on the SF Palette. /Genrich Altov. //Science-Fiction Studies. Volume 5. Port 2 - July 1978.
  • G.S.Altshuller. Creativity as an Exact Science (The Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems). Gordon and breach science publishers - New York, London, Paris, Montreux, Tokyo. Translated from the Russian by Anthony Williams. 1984.
  • And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared by G. Altshuller . Japanese translation rights arranged with Technical Innovation Center. Inc. through Japan UNI Agency, Inc., Tokyo. 1997.
Sometimes he wrote articles specifically at the request of the publishers of foreign journals.
The changes on the political map of the world (the fall of the USSR, the appearance of new states in Europe) in the early ‘90s disrupted the translation of Altshuller’s works into many European languages. To this day, his last two books – Find the Idea and How to Become a Genius (written together with I.M. Vertkin) – as well as many articles and methodological materials have not been translated yet. And it is specifically in these works that TRIZ theory is presented in its most complete and perfected form.
It will only be possible to fully gauge the Altshuller’s work on TRIZ once translations of all of his books and the majority of his articles and methodological materials will be available.
    Larisa Dmitriyevna Komarcheva
